The major program in the Department of History gives students a thorough grounding in global, local, and regional histories, across a wide range of themes and historical methods.
BA History Program Outcomes
Students pursuing a History major will be able to:
- Engage in historical inquiry
- Engage in historical research and analysis
- Craft written arguments based on primary sources, secondary sources, and historical methodologies
- Understand and practice historical thinking as engaged citizenship
Students who wish to become a history major should first discuss their program with a Departmental Advisor. Although you do not need to apply to be a History major, you should consult a Departmental Advisor to approve your program before declaring your major through UBC’s Student Workday.
Read carefully the relevant sections of the UBC Calendar for departmental and faculty requirements. If you have any doubts or questions or see a problem in your Degree Navigator report at any time about your History program, see a Departmental advisor as soon as possible.
- Twelve credits of lower-level history, including 6 credits of 200-level courses. There are no specific course prerequisites for upper-level history courses. Arts One provides six credits as a lower-level History course and may be taken in the first year.
- Lower-level History credits transferred from other post-secondary institutions qualify students to enter the History Majors Program. Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) first-year history credits may also count toward history programs.
- Thirty credits of
- Thirty credits of upper-level history, including a capstone seminar (HIST_V 490 or HIST_V 403).
- Of the 42 total minimum history credits, at least 6 credits must be substantially pre-modern in content. A list of courses fulfilling this requirement is below.
HIST 101 World History to Oceanic Contact (6 credits)
HIST 102 World History from 1500 to the 20th Century (6 credits)
HIST 202 Gateway to the Middle Ages (3/6 credits)
HIST 220 History of Europe (3/6 credits)
HIST 235 History of Canada (3 credits)
HIST 237 History of the United States (3/6 credits)
HIST 240 Health, Illness and Medicine I: From the Ancient World to the Early Modern Period (3 credits)
HIST 256 History of Africa (3 credits)
HIST 259 Science, Medicine, and Technology in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds (3 credits)
HIST 270 China in World History (3/6 credits)
HIST 271 Japan and Global History, 1550-1900 (3 credits)
HIST 273 History of India (3 credits)
HIST 280 Islamic World History (3 credits)
HIST 306 History of France, 1461-1715 (6 credits)
HIST 307 French North America to 1803 (6 credits)
HIST 310 The British Empire to 1850 (3 credits)
HIST 314 Early Modern Britain (6 credits)
HIST 323 Empires, Wars, and Revolutions in Europe and the Americas, 1763-1838 (3 credits)
HIST 328 Rebels in America: Revolution to Civil War, 1763-1865 (3 credits)
HIST 334 Senegambia to South Carolina, Ghana to Georgia: African American History 1450-1850 (3 credits)
HIST 341 Medieval Jewish History (3 credits) Equivalency: RELG 331
HIST 344 Ancient Regime France (6 credits)
HIST 347 Medieval and Imperial Russian History, 998 to 1800 (3 credits)
HIST 363 Europe in the Early Middle Ages (3 credits)
HIST 364 Europe in the Late Middle Ages (3 credits)
HIST 365 Europe during the Renaissance (3 credits)
HIST 366 Europe during the Reformation (3 credits)
HIST 367 Europe in the Age of the Enlightenment (3 credits)
HIST 377 History of Cantonese Worlds (3 credits) Equivalency: ASIA 323
HIST 378 History of Early China (3 credits) Equivalency: ASIA 320
HIST 379 History of Later Imperial China (3 credits) Equivalency: ASIA 340
HIST 387 Voices from Medieval India (3 credits)
HIST 388 India in the Early Modern World: Mughals, Merchants, and Marauders (3 credits)
HIST 392 Scientific Revolution: Circulation of Knowledge in the Early Modern World (3 credits)
HIST 401 Seafaring in the Age of Sail (3 credits)
HIST 424 Economic History of Pre-Modern Europe (3 credits)
HIST 425 War and Society
HIST 436 European Social History (6 credits)
HIST 444 Slave Societies in the Americas (3 credits)
HIST 464 First Contacts in the Pacific (3 credits)
HIST 470 Seminar in Medieval History (6 credits)
HIST 473 Women in the Middle Ages (3 credits)
HIST 474 Ideas and Religions of the Middle Ages (3 credits)
HIST 476 Law and Society in the Middle Ages (3 credits)
HIST 477 Constitutional History of Medieval Europe (3 credits)
HIST 478 Medieval Portraits and Personalities (3 credits)
HIST 479 Cultural History of Imperial China (3/6 credits) Equivalency: ASIA 440
HIST 484 East Asian Military Systems and Warfare (3 credits)
ASIA 100 Introduction to Traditional Asia (3 credits)
ASIA 314 Premodern Japan (3 credits)
ASIA 315 Japan from Feudal to Modern State (3 credits)
ASIA 317 The Rise of Korean Civilization (3 credits)
ASIA 318 Premodern India (3 credits)
ASIA 320 History of Early China (3 credits) Equivalency: HIST 378
ASIA 340 History of Later Imperial China (3 credits) Equivalency: HIST 379
ASIA 390 History of the Indian Ocean World
ASIA 393 History of Iran from the Sasanians to the Safavids (3 credits)
ASIA 410 International Relations in Premodern East Asia (3 credits)
ASIA 440 Cultural History of Imperial China (6 credits) Equivalency: HIST 479
ASIA 484 The History of the Choson Dynasty (3 credits)
CLST 110 Golden Age of Athens (3 credits)
CLST 111 Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome (3 credits)
AMNE 215 (CLST 231) Ancient Greece (3 credits)
AMNE 216 (CLST 232) Ancient Rome (3 credits)
AMNE 225 (CLST 260) Gladiators, Games, and Spectacle in the Greek and Roman World (3 credits)
AMNE 306 (CLST 306) Ancient Technology: Greece and Rome (3 credits)
AMNE 324 (CLST 311) Women in the Bronze Age, Classical Greek, and Hellenistic Culture (3 credits)
AMNE 325 (CLST 312) Women in the Roman World of Republican and Imperial Times (3 credits)
AMNE 327 (CLST 319) The Roman Army (3 credits)
AMNE 323 (CLST 320) Slavery in the Ancient Greek and Roman World (3 credits)
AMNE 326 (CLST 329) Ancient Greek Warfare (3 credits)
AMNE 318 (CLST 352) The Roman Republic (3 credits)
AMNE 319 (CLST 353) The Early Roman Empire (3 credits)
AMNE 316 (CLST 355) The Athenians and their Empire (3 credits)
AMNE 317 (CLST 356) Alexander the Great and his Empire (3 credits)
AMNE 420 (CLST 401) Seminar in Classical History
AMNE 314 (NEST 301) Early Empires of the Ancient Near East (3 credits)
AMNE 312 (NEST 303) History of Ancient Egypt (3 credits)
NEST 310 History of Women in Early to Late Medieval Muslim Societies (3 credits)
All courses with a HIST number are treated toward the History Major without limitation. This includes all the following courses which are cross-listed with another department.
HIST 260 | = PHIL 260 | (3) Science and Society in the Contemporary World |
HIST 270 | = ASIA 270 | (6) China in World History |
HIST 341 | = RELG 331 | (3) Medieval Jewish History |
HIST 342 | = RELG 332 | (3) Modern Jewish History |
HIST 373 | = ASIA 373 | (3) History of Hong Kong |
HIST 377 | = ASIA 323 | (3) History of Cantonese Worlds |
HIST 378 | = ASIA 320 | (3) Early China |
HIST 379 | = ASIA 340 | (3) Later Imperial China |
HIST 393 | = PHIL 360 | (3) Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science |
HIST 394 | = PHIL 364 | (3) Darwin, Evolution and Modern History |
HIST 479 | = ASIA 440 | (6) Cultural History of Late Imperial China |
Subject to the approval of the Department, a maximum of 12 credits of the following courses which are taught and listed in other departments may count toward the 30 upper-level courses required for Major in History:
AMNE 306 (CLST 306), 324 (CLST 311), AMNE 325 (CLST 312), AMNE 327 (CLST 319), AMNE 323 (CLST 320), AMNE 326 (CLST 329), AMNE 318 (CLST 352), AMNE 319 (CLST 353), AMNE 318 (CLST 355), AMNE 319 (CLST 356), AMNE 420 (CLST 401)
AMNE 314 (NEST 301), AMNE 312 (NEST 302)
NEST 310
ECON 334, 336, 337, 436
GEOG 321, 327, 328, 426
ASIA 309, 310, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 337, 338, 344, 346, 376, 390, 393, 410, 411, 418, 428, 438, 456, 475, 484, 488
MES 300
To meet the needs of a particular student's program, the History Department will consider counting a course not specifically listed as a History course (or its equivalent) towards the requirements of a Major in History if the course can be shown to be substantially historical in content and context.
Please Note
We may suggest students take such courses as an elective, but we do, however, wish to allow a legitimate degree of flexibility and imagination in the program of a History major.
History-related Majors
The combined major in history and philosophy of science is designed for students interested in the nature and development of science, along with its many roles in contemporary society and culture. This major is for those interested in topics such as scientific evidence, scientific explanations, causal inference, scientific communities, science and values, and the evolution of scientific ideas within a social context. It might also be a suitable second major for science students with humanistic interests.
For admission into the history and philosophy of science combined major please speak with the undergraduate program advisor. In addition to Faculty requirements, the program requires the following:
First and Second Years
- Students must complete HIST/PHIL 260, and at least 9 credits of first and second year HIST or PHIL courses.
- The following are recommended: HIST 104, 105, 106, 259; PHIL 125, 220, 230, 240.
Third and Fourth Years
- Students must complete HIST 393/PHIL 360, and one (3 credits) of HIST 490 or PHIL 491. They must take an additional 15 credits from the following list, with no fewer than 6 credits in PHIL and 6 credits in HIST: HIST 392, 394, 395, 396, 398, 440, 487, 491, 493, 494, 495, 581, 589; PHIL 321, 362, 363, 427, 460, 461, 462, 464, 469.
- The remaining 9 credits will normally be taken from upper-level HIST or PHIL courses (excluding PHIL 400, 401). Students may substitute any of the following: BIOL 446; AMNE 306 (CLST 306);
ENGL 309; GEOG 345; MATH 446; MATH 447; PHYS 340; PSYC 312.
The History Department in association with other departments in the Faculty of Arts offers a double majors program in International Relations. Visit UBC International Relations Program or contact our International Relations Co-Chair, Michael Lanthier for a program description and contact information.
History Major Resources

Each term during Winter Session, several professors offer sections of this course on various topics. These classes have 18 or fewer students and provide students an opportunity not just to learn history, but also to be historians, reading, interpreting, and discussing history as they write a research paper. This course also fulfils the research requirement of the Faculty of Arts.
A variety of courses can fulfil the rest of the requirements to graduate with a History Major. These requirements are:
- Of the 42 minimum history credits, at least 6 credits must be substantially pre-modern in content. A list of courses fulfilling this requirement is available on the History Department website. This requirement cannot be waived.
- At least 15 of the upper-level credits toward the History Major must be earned through courses listed as HIST in the UBC Calendar (excepting students who earn History credit on exchange through Go-Global).