Canadian-American integration in a globalizing age.
Research Interest
- Canada-United States history
- the history of ideas in Canada
- the history of historical writing
A. Smith. Le Canada: une nation américaine?. Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2005.
A. Smith. Canada : an American nation?: essays on continentalism, identity and the Canadian frame of mind. Montreal: MQUP, 1994; reprinted 2000.
Articles/ Book Chapters
A. Smith, “Conceptualizing Identitarian Complexity in the Geolinguistic Regions of the Western Hemisphere: The Spanish-, Portuguese-, and English-speaking Americas on Common Analytical Ground”, in Spaces-Communities-Discourses: Charting Identity and Belonging in the Americas, J. Raab and Hertlein, S. Arizona State University: Bilingual Press, 2016, pp. 139-177.
A. Smith, “National Imaginaries in a Globalizing Age: the Case of English Canada”, in National Myths: Constructed Pasts, Contested Presents, G. Bouchard London: Routledge, 2013, pp. 24-45.
A. Smith, “Seven Narratives in North American History: Thinking the Nation in Canada, Quebec, and the United States”, in Writing the Nation: a Global Perspective , S. Berger Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, pp. 63-83.
A. Smith, “Historians and theory: A comment – Remarks on the papers presented at the session ‘The Politics of History’, Theory and Historiography Network, Fifth European Social Science History Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin, March 2004”, RETHINKING HISTORY, vol. 9, pp. 485-490, 2005.
A. Smith, “Historians and Theory: A Comment”, Re-thinking History, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 485-490, 2005.
A. Smith, “Organizing Ideas and How They Work: The National-International Binary, the Rise of Transnationalism, and the Imagining of the Canadian Community”, in Les idées en mouvement: perspectives en histoire intellectuelle et culturelle du Canada, D. – C. Bélanger and al, et Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2004, pp. 29-52.
A. Smith, “From Guthrie to Greenberg: Canadian High Culture and the End of Empire”, in Canada and the End of Empire, P. Buckner Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2004, pp. 206-215.
Reference Entries
A. Smith, “Continentalism”, Oxford Companion to Canadian History. Oxford University Press, Toronto, pp. 154-155, 2004.
Conference Presentations
A. Smith, “Conceptualizing National Persistence in Identity-Complicating Regional Zones: Why Discussion of North America’s Interactions and Drives Has a Profile and Prominence its Counterparts Lack”, in International Association of Inter-American Studies Biennial Conference, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016.
A. Smith, “Why North America is not ‘North American’: Comparisons with the ‘Europeanness’ of Europe and What They Reveal”, in International Association of Inter-American Studies Biennial Conference, University Of Guadalajara, 2012.
A. Smith, “Towards an Integrated Inter-American Conceptual Framework? Language Area Study and What it May Mean”, in International Association of Inter-American Studies Conference, University of Duisburg-Essen, 2010.
A. Smith, “National Imaginaries in a Globalizing Age: New World Adaptation and the Case of English Canada”, in Conference on National Myths and Globalization, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 2009.
A. Smith, “Anglophone Americas: Understanding Cultural Power and Particularist Persistence in a Continuous Transcommunity Language Field”, in 20th Biennial Association of Canadian Studies in the United States Conference, San Diego, 2009.
A. Smith, “Understanding Particularist Persistence in Transcultural Contact Fields: Does Language Difference Matter?”, in Theory and Historiography Network, European Social Science History Conference, Lisbon, 2008.
A. Smith, “Anglophone Americas: a Preliminary Look at Cultural Power and Particularist Persistence in a Continuous Transnational Language Field”, in International American Studies Association World Congress, University of Lisbon, 2007.
A. Smith, “Circumstances Differs and Circumstance Counts: The National/Transnational Interface in European and North American Historical Writing”, in Theory and Historiography Network, European Social Science History Conference, Amsterdam, 2006.
A. Smith, “Anglophone Americas: a Preliminary Look at Cultural Power and Particularist Persistence in a Continuous Transnational Language Field,”, in Groupe interdisciplinaire de recherche sur les Amériques, Université de Québec à Montréal, 2006.
A. Smith, “Seven Narratives in North American History: Thinking the Nation in Canada, Quebec, and the United States”, in Major Theme 2b, Myth, History, and the Historian’s Responsibility, International Congress of Historical Sciences, 20th Quinquennial Meeting, Sydney, 2005.
A. Smith, “The Fact That Matters: Power Asymmetry in the Canadian-American Relationship and How Canada Handles it”, in Conference on Contemporary Inter-American Discourses, Zentralinstitut für Regionalforschung, Sektion Nord – und Iberoamerika, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2004.