Exam Period Survival Tips: A Q&A with UBC History’s Advisor


Our History Undergraduate Advisor, Michael Lanthier, offers thoughts on the next month of exams, papers, and chaos. He also clarifies the types of history program questions he can address during office hours. A straightforward reminder about resources available for students from the Department of History and UBC as a whole.


1. What types of questions can the History Advisor answer for students?

The History Undergraduate Advisor is happy to answer any question students might have about the History component of their degree, whether they’re doing a Major or a Minor. Do you think Degree Navigator’s gone haywire and short-changed you by putting a course in the wrong place? Would you like to take non-History courses that can still give you History credits?  Do you want to make absolutely sure you’re on course to graduate on time and won’t run into a serious problem during your last term at UBC? Would you like to talk about course selection for the coming year?   Do you wonder which courses from other departments would complement the ones you’re taking in History? Do you want some tips on which History courses might match your interests or open a whole new world?  Are you curious about Co-op or Go Global?  Are you thinking about applying for the Honours program?  Are you wondering what you can do with your History degree?  Are you thinking about going to grad school?  The Advisor can help with all those queries and will do his best to tame Degree Navigator for you.


2. What tips do you have for students who feel overwhelmed with the December workload?

The combination of short days, incessant rain, and frantic Christmas consumerist propaganda can make December a difficult time of the year for anyone.  Add the deadline pressure of various assignments and exams, and things can start going wrong very quickly.  UBC offers many resources for those coping with stress and academic overload.  The people at Counselling Services will make sure you get the help you need: https://students.ubc.ca/health/counselling-services


3.  What resources are available for students from UBC History for essay writing/exam prep?

Fire up your Personal Computer and point your Netscape Navigator to: https://learningcommons.ubc.ca/student-toolkits/preparing-for-exams/#, which is chock-full of useful exam-related tips. Be sure to look at the links section!

The department’s Peer Writing Tutors are enjoying a well-earned rest in December, but they’ll be back on duty in January.  Follow through with your New Year’s resolution and go there early to get a head start on all the things you’ll have to do next term: it might not seem like it right now, but that will help with the April workload.

Don’t tell anyone, but the SFU Student Learning Commons has excellent online aids for general exam prep (https://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/branches-depts/slc/learning#exams)!


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