Congratulations to UBC History PhD candidate Dane Allard for winning the 2024 Native American and Indigenous Studies Associations (NAISA) Most Thought-Provoking Article Award. His winning essay, entitled “Kitchen Table Politics: Bannock and Métis Common Sense in an Era of Nascent Recognition Politics” was published in the Fall 2023 issue of Native American and Indigenous Studies.
The Native American and Indigenous Studies Association awards the Most Thought-Provoking Article Award for the best article in Native American and Indigenous Studies on any topic related to the field published in a scholarly journal or an edited volume/anthology.
Dane Allard (Métis/Settler) is working on his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Paige Raibmon. His dissertation project explores Métis political organizing in the Twentieth Century with a core focus on the First Ministers’ Conferences on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters. Born and raised in Winnipeg, Dane’s family roots are grounded in the historic Métis communities of St. François-Xavier and Baie St. Paul, Manitoba – the heartland of the Métis Nation.
Allard is humble in victory. “To be honest, and this is not intended as self-deprecation, I am still shocked and humbled to win such an important award,” he says. “I owe a great deal to my supervisor Dr. Paige Raibmon and my fellow PhD Candidates Ryan Sun and Nicole Yakashiro. My article originated in our PhD writing seminar and it benefited greatly from their consistent engagement and support, as well as to Dr. Raibmon’s ongoing campaign against the passive voice.”
Congratulations again, Dane!