2024/2025 Term 1 History Undergraduate Scholarship Winners

Each year, the UBC Department of History awards scholarships to top-performing students in our undergraduate courses and programs. Also known as Recommended Awards, these scholarships do not require an application; students are automatically considered for any scholarships, awards, or prizes for which they are eligible.

Please join us in congratulating the 2024/2025 Term 1 undergraduate winners, whose names are listed below, along with descriptions of the scholarships they’ve been awarded.

Ebert Mills McKechnie Scholarship 


Laura Silveira 

About the Award

Established through a bequest from the late Chancellor R. E. McKechnie, this scholarship is awarded on the recommendation of the Department of History to the undergraduate entering their final year who is considered to be the most deserving and meritorious student in the field of History.

Hector Gordon Munro Scholarship in History 


Graeme McDonald 

About the Award

This scholarship has been endowed by the late Blanche Bailey, B.A. 1927, in memory of her husband, Hector Gordon Munro, B.A. 1927, President of Arts 1927, who died in 1957. In her freshman year, Blanche Bailey was Vice-President of Arts 1927. The award is made on the recommendation of the Department, to a student in History, entering their final year in the B.A. program.

Gilbert N. Tucker Memorial Scholarship 


Laura Silveira

Graeme McDonald

Vincent Tong

Thorn Austin

Sara Livingston

Michael Liudeng 

About the Award

These scholarships have been endowed through a bequest by Gordon R. Elliott in memory of Gilbert N. Tucker (1898-1955), who served this University as scholar, historian and teacher. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Department of History to students majoring or honouring in History.

Women’s Canadian Club of Vancouver Scholarship in Canadian History 


Megan Nguyen

About the Award

A scholarship endowed by the Women’s Canadian Club of Vancouver, is awarded to the undergraduate student entering fourth year, who earned the highest standing among students enrolled in courses in Canadian History, in the preceding Winter Session.