Join us for an end of term UBC undergraduate board game social event
Hosted by the HSA & the UBC Medieval Studies Program
April 09, 2025, 2-4:45PM
at Pizza Ludica, Downtown Vancouver
(189 Keefer Pl, Vancouver)
Join us for an afternoon of pizza, board games, & fun!
*Free entry. Each attendee is entitled to 1 free pizza or pasta entree. Any additional food, extras, or drinks are at the attendee’s own expense.
Please note that the board game cafe has been reserved exclusively for this event and no one outside of the RSVP list will be permitted to enter.
Attendees interested in joining upcoming HSA events are encouraged to register for HSA membership at the event.
Questions? Get in touch with the event organizers, Dr. Sara Ann Knutson (sa.knutson@ubc.ca) and Thorn Austin (thorn.austin@ubchsa.ca).