How does the other half laugh?
“George Luks, The Yellow Kid, and the Comic Grotesque”
A public talk by Dr. Jean Lee Cole (Loyola University Maryland)
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
4 – 5 pm
Buchanan Tower, room 323
1873 East Mall
Mark your calendars for a talk about comics early in the new year: Dr. Jean Lee Cole, Professor and Faculty Director of Community-Engaged Learning and Scholarship at Loyola University Maryland, will be giving a talk, “George Luks, The Yellow Kid, and the Comic Grotesque” at UBC Vancouver.
Dr. Cole will be drawing on her new book, How the Other Half Laughs: The Comic Sensibility in American Literature, 1895-1920, in which she analyzes visual and literary humor about ethnicity at the turn of the 20th century.
Co-sponsored by UBC Department of English, Department of History, Public Humanities Hub Vancouver, and SFU Department of English.